See the results of The World of Fine Wine‘s inaugural World’s Best Wine Lists. Over 4,000 restaurants from around the globe were judged for the awards.
Chaired by WFW editor Neil Beckett, the distinguished panel of judges comprised, along with WFW contributing editor Andrew Jefford: the World’s Best Sommelier 2010 Gerard Basset MS MW OBE; WFW columnist and food editor Francis Percival; author and wine and spirits columnist for Bloomberg News Elin McCoy; publisher of The Singapore Wine Review and wine columnist for Singapore’s largest circulation Chinese newspaper, the Lianhe Zaobao, Ch’ng Poh Tiong; and author and globally respected Champagne expert Tom Stevenson.
The judges awarded 750 restaurants from around the world a one-, two-, or three-star award, only 225 wine lists making it into the top three-star category. The judges also identified, region by region and for the world as a whole, the most exciting lists in five categories – Best Overall Wine List, Best Champagne & Sparkling Wine List, Best Dessert & Fortified Wine List, Best By-the-Glass Wine List, and Best Short Wine List. Finally, the judges recognized with a special Jury Prize several lists that showed distinctive character and flair or were particularly strong in a specific wine style.