Best Medium-Sized Wine List in Australasia
Much admired by the judges at the World’s Best Wine Lists 2015 for being, as senior judge Elin McCoy put it, “perfectly in tune with today’s wine zeitgeist,” Melbourne’s Moon Under Water at the Builders Arms Hotel was a deserved winner of this year’s Best Medium-Sized Wine List in Australasia title.
“This is a really well-curated list,” said fellow judge Alder Yarrow, “with nice quirkiness, and a great selection of producers.”
“I was impressed with their allocations of individual producers with different wines and vintages,” added Francis Percival. “This is clearly a place with a strong sense of purpose. You go there to drink these wines.”
From sparkling Greco by Campania’s Feudi di San Gregorio to grower Champagne from Cédric Bouchard; from natural Swartland Chenin by Testalonga, to Pierre Overnoy Savagnin Ouillé; and from Gamay from top Central Otago producer Rippon to a run of vintages of Thierry Allemand Cornas – there are fun and delicious surprises wherever you look.