High up in the Alps in Chamomix Mont-Blanc, the Maillet-Carrer family has been welcoming guests to its luxurious Hôtel Hameau Albert Premier since 1903.
Along with the spa, swimming pools, and chalets, today’s hotel features two restaurants, the more “traditional” La Maison Carrier Restaurant de Pay, and the Michelin-starred Restaurant Gastronomique,
The latter has access to what the judges at the World’s Best Wine Lists 2015 described as a “superbly presented wine list, that is clear to navigate and choose from, and which contains some exceptional wine.”
The list is drawn from a cellar containing some 19,000 bottles and 1,000 different labels, although the list itself runs to just under 650 bins.
A particular highlight is the precedence given to the wines of eastern France, with a fine array of top producers such as Deiss and Trimbach (Alsace), Macle and Puffeney (Jura), and Gilles Berlioz and Domaine des Ardoisières (Savoie).
But the all-French list is arresting throughout, from Bordeaux and Burgundy to the Loire, Languedoc, and the South West.