Benoît Favier, the new CEO of the EuroCave Group, is unveiling his new strategies both in France and abroad.
The EuroCave Group and its fast growth dynamic
“Wine is worthy of being protected, enhanced and prepared for tasting. Once it has been bottled it continues to develop. So it must be stored in the very best conditions, which is complicated in our modern houses.
This is where we come in!”—Benoît Favier

The EuroCave Group is the benchmark for top-of-the-range wine cabinets with “Origine France Garantie”certification for individuals and professionals. It is ledby the vision and the ambitions of its new CEO, BenoîtFavier, aged 45.
At the head of this efficient “Made in France” industrial group, with efficient export operations and recognised as the world leader in its sector, Benoît Favier is announcing his 2022-2026 road map in terms of product development and growth objectives.
For more than 40 years, the EuroCave Group has been the embodiment of the success of French excellence. In 2021 it recorded a growth rate of more than 13% on the French and international markets, as well as consolidated turnover of €37million over the entire group.
Today the EuroCave Group records 80 percent of its turnover as export, mainly split between the United States, France, and Japan, with huge growth opportunities on the market for individuals which, to date,represents 60 percent of sales.
Now that it is the leader in its sector, the EuroCave Group can count on the power of its multi-brand influence and on the strength of its exclusive distribution networks to perform.
Its entire brand portfolio is at the service of a true communal dynamic and offers new development perspectives both nationally and internationally, always rooted in the practice of expertise and a lifestyle that is 100 percent French. As the only player in its sector with “Origine France Garantie” and “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” certifications, the EuroCave Group stands out by the quality of its commitments and its practices.
Benoît Favier intends to explore the wealth of this brand world, which is able to create synergies between the different, yet complementary, offers, and has the ambition of doubling turnover by 2026.
An exemplary quality approach
“Excellence must become our Group’s watchword. Our ambition is to remain the market reference in terms of quality policy”.
An approach which is based on the levers of manufacturing quality,
maintenance of expertise, design, brand image and also services from the
installation of products to after-sales service.
Among other things it results in the marketing of durable products without programmed obsolescence, with greater transparency about availability and the provenance of spare parts. It is also shown by environmentally friendly French production, where the entire production chain from the sourcing of raw materials to the quality control at the factory gate is managed.
And we should not forget French excellence, this commitment to service. Wine lives, it is for sharing. With the strength of its exclusive distribution network, the EuroCave brand will continue to assert its difference with top-of-the-range service, from the welcome in the shops to the personalized experiences concerning wine.
Embodied ambitions
- Enter into an exemplary quality approach
- Maintain its product leadership
- Assert a multi-brand strategy
Product leadership

In order to develop sustainably in each of the segments for the storage and serving of wine, the EuroCave Group will ensure it has the resources to assert its status as leader. Designing ingenious solutions, firmly rooted in their time, is part of the company’s DNA and will be at the center of the development of future products by 2026.
In the last few years the wine cabinet has reinvented itself. It has found its place in the new look for interiors. The Group will continue to support this development by responding to new uses in terms of design and connectivity. The focus will also be on the new generation of cabinets, which consume less energy, with their impact being minimized along the
entire production chain.
At the end of 2022 EuroCave will launch the market’s very first Champagne cabinet. A cabinet that is 100 percent devoted to the storage and showcasing of Champagnes. In 10 years the turnover linked to the sale of Champagne throughout the world has increased by a billion, 85 percent of which is international exports. In this way EuroCave demonstrates its commitment to the champagne houses, by supporting them in the shift in terroir that they have undertaken in the last few years.
EuroCave is also ambitious to consolidate its position as leader in the wine cabinet market by increasing its expertise in the customization field. The air-conditioned wine cabinet, installed in the living room and demarcated by a glass wall had become a real option for wine lovers. At the brink of engineering and craftsmanship EuroCave intends to invest in this niche in the coming years.
Multi-brand strategy
The Group’s growth plan is driven by the diversity of its offer and strength of its brands. The Group, which up to now has been supported by the historical EuroCave brand, has started important work on the construction and spotlighting the ArteVino and Transtherm brands. These
developments should allow the Group to appeal to a wider target of wine lovers and to envisage the potential of stronger geographical development, whether in territories where it already has a presence or making progress in new areas.

EUROCAVE: Original brand, which is distributed by exclusive dealers in France and abroad and offers a range of complete products: wine cabinets, air conditioners, and storage systems.
EUROCAVE PROFESSIONAL: EuroCave Professional was founded in 2008 and produces a range of specific products for professionals for
the service of wine by the glass.
ARTEVINO: Essentially distributed in specialized supermarkets. It is the benchmark brand in the segment of large capacity ageing cellars in
modern distribution: multi-specialists, Internet.
TRANSTHERM: distributed in a selective network (Europe, USA, Australia, Asia in particular). It is renowned for its robustness and
EuroCave: A group with a French touch
Wine, an excellent French heritage, kept in a wine cabinet manufactured in France, is a commitment made from the very start.
The EuroCave Group manufactures in France in its historic 5000m2 factory in Fourmies (59), where assembly by hand is still practiced. The ambitions for growth over the next 5 years should lead to a doubling
of the current production capacity.
The EuroCave Group is also the sole player in the sector to have “Origine France Garantie” certification. This label is the official guarantee of the French origin of products. There are many tricolor appellations,
“Fabriqué en France” (Made in France), “Conçu en France” (Designed in France) for example, but none are as demanding as the OFG label which truly guarantees against “false” Made in France claims.