The Loire and its dazzling geology
Alex Maltman shares some geological vignettes of a regal river.
Alex Maltman is emeritus professor of Earth sciences at Aberystwyth University, in Wales, UK, and the author of Vineyards, Rocks and Soils: A Wine Lover’s Guide to Geology (Oxford, 2018).
Alex Maltman shares some geological vignettes of a regal river.
By Alex MaltmanAlex Maltman investigates clay, a crucial wine soil type that is simultaneously familiar and mysterious. Alex Maltman on limestone…
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By Alex MaltmanWith so many of the world’s finest wines grown on limestone and its relatives, it’s no wonder that many…
By Alex MaltmanSo, along with the widely held convictions that vineyard soils have a major influence on wine character and taste,…
By Alex Maltman